Much more than just a gathering for chambers, the Congress addresses some of the most significant global issues of our time. In convening the world’s most prominent leaders and brightest minds, we aim to help transform the future of business.
More than ever convinced that international trade is key to achieving peaceful cooperation among nations, we designed the programme of our 13th World Chambers Congress around the theme: “Achieving peace and prosperity through multilateralism”.
The Congress programme will tackle this theme through 3 main topics spread through the 3 days: multilateralism, innovation and sustainability.
Set yourself up for the day ahead with some networking facilitated by our dedicated matchmaking app.
Kick-off: #13WCC orientation

Get the most out of your Congress experience by joining our orientation session. We will explain the main ingredients of the programme, which captures the connections between multilateralism, innovation and sustainability, as well as the need to act. Connect with fellow participants and join us as we explore the context in which our World Chambers Congress is taking place and the collective outcomes we are seeking to achieve.
Uniting business globally, improving lives locally

In a world of geopolitical and economic volatility, the belief that cross-border commerce and economic integration are conducive to peace and prosperity is being challenged. But opportunities abound for business and chambers everywhere to stand up for the global economy and make multilateralism work for everyone, everywhere. This introductory session serves as an overview of how multilateralism serves all parties of international commerce, MSMEs, chambers and international organisations.
#13WCC opening ceremony

Welcome to Geneva and the 13th World Chambers Congress. Join us to officially begin proceedings in our high-level opening ceremony featuring special guests and our Congress hosts the International Chamber of Commerce, World Chambers Federation and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services.
Navigating prosperity: focusing on the benefits of international trade with the CEO of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)

Join us at the 13th World Chambers Congress for an insightful interview session featuring the esteemed CEO of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, the world’s No. 1 container shipping line. In this engaging discussion, we will delve into the transformative power of international trade in today’s interconnected world. During this session, the CEO of MSC will share his expertise, experiences, and strategic insights on the benefits of international trade. MSC has played a pivotal role in facilitating global trade, connecting businesses, and fostering economic growth across diverse regions thanks to its shipping lines, logistics and port terminals businesses.
Goals for growth: raw materials and inclusive international trade

This session will oversee how low-income countries can access global markets thanks to their raw materials supply. What frameworks are needed to make developing countries partners for co-creating prosperity and opportunity for people and our planet? How can your business leverage international trade in raw materials? And how can chamber activity support these goals?
Networking break
Time to take a break and make connections. Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Chambers and business: 21st century merchants of peace

All eyes are on our multilateral institutions to provide rulebooks for addressing global disruptions and making globalisation as inclusive as possible. How can chambers and businesses, as multilateral institutions, contribute to this ecosystem?
Facilitating trade: partnering for global growth

Today, across the world, millions of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) remain excluded from the benefits of international trade. Public private partnerships are empowering greater access for the many small businesses who lack the resources to navigate complex, opaque border processes. Join this session to learn how chambers, businesses and governments are working together to simplify, modernise and digitalise trade and make business work for everyone, everywhere, every day.
Multilateralism in times of disruption: double back to move forward

The global economic and business landscape is shifting… and it is shifting faster than ever before. With this in mind, we’re reserving a session to discuss the very latest issues emerging at the very time we meet. We’ve got our finger on the pulse of issues affecting people and planet and are committed to remaining agile in our programming to ensure we bring you the very latest insight.
Networking lunch and exhibition programme

Time for food for thought to take a break and make connections. Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Check out these new tools and services for your MSME:
World Chambers Competition: best partnership project
Innovative, agile and purpose driven, chambers worldwide are a driving force for supporting multilateralism through forward-thinking tools, programmes and partnerships. Join our World Chambers Competition finalists to learn about the pioneering activities impacting businesses and communities and vote for the projects you find most inspiring.
Best partnership project finalists:
- Cali Chamber of Commerce (Colombia) – Cámara a la Calle: Partnerships for Developing Placed Based Strategies in Low Income Communities
- Portuguese Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (Portugal) – Internationalizing Businesses With Tailor Made Support
- Istanbul Chamber of Industry (Turkey)- ISO MEIP: Istanbul Chamber of Industry – Vocational Education and Training (VET) Cooperation Project
- Auckland Business Chamber of Commerce (New Zealand) – First Steps: Mental Health and Wellbeing; a business leaders’ strength- a potential weakness
The power of agreed rules: how arbitration promotes peace and prosperity

The objective of this session is to explore the role of arbitration in fostering peace and prosperity through the voluntary acceptance of agreed rules. The panelists will discuss the importance of consensual dispute resolution, the benefits of a rules-based global economy, and how arbitration can promote international transactions, including with states and state owned enterprises. The session aims to provide a big picture view of the role of arbitration in strengthening multilateralism and global governance.
Networking break

Time to take a break and replenish after our morning sessions. Why not check out our world class exhibition area or take time to re-connect with chamber peers.
Check out our brand new feature: the Business Circle:
3 panoramic mountain trains: Bernina Express, Glacier Express and Mont-Blanc Express
3 famous resorts: S Moritz, Zermatt and Chamonix
When food becomes geopolitics

As world food supplies become subject to geopolitics, food shortage becomes a growing risk. How to deal with food used as a means of exerting political pressure in a multilateral world? To avert crisis and secure the global food system, the agri-food sector requires strong collaboration between the public and private sectors. How can MSMEs and chambers contribute to a cross-sectoral effort to secure global supply chains?
Partnerships for prosperity

International organisations, governments and civil society cannot address global issues and successfully implement the SDGs working alone. The expertise, experience and innovative solutions of all stakeholders, including small business, entrepreneurs, governments and NGOs are needed. Chambers worldwide are playing a pivotal role in pioneering partnerships that are key to supporting a multilateral model that needs to work for generations to come. We’re shining a spotlight on just some projects making a real impact.
Building a peaceful future for Ukraine: economic recovery and multilateral support

Political stability is a necessary precondition for business activities. At the same time, trade can contribute to creating political stability. Let us hear from two representatives from Ukraine on the economic conditions in their war-torn country.
Commit to act. Act to advance.

Based on our findings from our opening session, it’s time to turn words into commitment to ensure a brighter future for the leaders of tomorrow. It is incumbent on us to pave the way for the next generation so what actions are we going to take to ensure multilateralism is fit for purpose in the 21st century?
Day one wrap-up and key take-aways

Together we’ll look back on the most salient moments of day one to summarise key learnings and insights. We’ll also be taking questions from participants.
#13WCC Welcome reception

Time to unwind from the day’s activities and connect with your Congress hosts and fellow participants, set up exclusively for #13WCC participants.
Set yourself up for the day ahead with some networking facilitated by our dedicated matchmaking app.
Opening of day 2

Let’s check in this morning for a reminder of our progress and commitments so far. We’re also looking ahead to the day’s activities and discussions to set up for success. Participants receive a rapid overview of the programme for the day and their role in it.
Let’s talk entrepreneurship and innovation

Did you know that Switzerland ranked among the most entrepreneurial and innovative economies in the world? Join this session to listen to two entrepreneurs tell their stories underlining the vital role of innovation and how chambers have led them to their business success.
Innovation culture and avant-garde thinking

Innovation culture is a workplace environment that encourages creativity and unconventional thinking. What are the tools, attitudes, and leadership decisions that create a culture of ongoing innovation in organisations?
World Chambers Competition: best Chamber Model Innovation project

The CMI enables chambers to become resilient and forward looking by harnessing power of data and designing services that meet customers’ needs. Come and listen to this category’s finalists to understand how they have worked with the CMI framework.
Best Chamber Model Innovation project finalists:
- Ankara Chamber Of Commerce (Turkey) – ATONET MEMBER SERVICE PLATFORM PROJECT
- Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce (USA) – Tampa Bay Chamber Minority Business Accelerator Program
- Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USA) – Contract Radar – Artificial intelligence for all business
- China Council for the Promotion of International Trade – China Chamber of Commerce (China) – Promoting Utilization Rate of RCEP and other FTAs: Chamber of Commerce plays a crucial role by conducting theoretical research and encouraging practical exploration
Networking break

Time to take a break and replenish after our morning sessions. Why not check out our world class exhibition area or take time to re-connect with chamber peers?
11:10-11:20: Fongit
Fongit is Switzerland’s premier innovation hub. Fongit specialise in deep tech, high impact innovation. Fongit currently supports over 150 startups and projects in Geneva.
Eurochambres session: De-globalisation or De-risking? Strategies for the future of global trade

With multiple crises hitting the global economy at once (war, inflation, US-China etc.), uncertainty over heightened geopolitical tensions is having wide-ranging ramifications on policymakers and business leaders alike in designing strategies for the future of global value chains, including efficient and reliable sourcing and production for managing the twin transition. The panel aims to bring together government and business leaders to discuss how companies can best weather a volatile global business environment while seizing the opportunities from open trade.
Digital trade: what’s in it for you?

Many will agree that the future of trade is digital, or should be digital, but with only 1% of trade digitalized thus far, the future has yet to arrive. And yet, in 2023 alone, there has been palpable momentum for digital trade, including the release of new digital standards for trade and supply chain and commitments by shipping and logistics companies to move swiftly to 100% eBL adoption. This session will discuss progress towards digital trade and what companies should be doing to align to global standards, benefit from gains in speed and efficiency, and accelerate their digital trade transition.
Cybersecurity for business: everything you need to know

The threat of a cyber security breach can be worrying for businesses, especially SMEs, and chambers alike. But while the need to build resilience against attacks is pressing, it can be difficult for chambers and their members to know where to begin when it comes to taking measures to reduce the risks of becoming a cyber-attack victim. Here’s where our global practice guides for SMEs can help…
Session francophone : La francophonie des affaires au service des entreprises

Session developed with CPCCAF
L’anglais a beau être la langue principale du monde des affaires, elle n’en est en aucun cas l’unique. Aujourd’hui dans le monde, 9 millions d’entreprises de toutes tailles communiquent en français. Quelle que soit la norme, il s’agit d’une communauté à exploiter et à servir par les chambres de commerce. En outre, la langue n’est pas le seul canal parl lequel nous atteignons une compréhension mutuelle. La Francophonie économique, c’est aussi promouvoir une économie plus équitable, inclusive et durable au travers de partenariats gagnant-gagnant. Cette session présentera plusieurs mesures concrètes mises en œuvre par ICC et CPCCAF, en collaboration avec leurs partenaires du réseau. Elle ouvrira de nouvelles opportunités dans plusieurs régions économiques très dynamiques.
The future of chambers: chambers integrating business models built on data

Chamber model innovation, a pioneering programme to define the business model of a future proof chamber, was launched at the 12th World Chambers Congress in Dubai, 2021. We’re taking time to check in and hear how chambers have been reinventing themselves to meet the changing needs of chamber members and remain relevant drivers of economic growth, innovation and sustainability.
Digital transformation for SME success

Digital engagement enables smaller businesses to reach new customers, facilitates market access and streamlines operational processes. But while studies show that SMEs using at least one digital tool have reported enhanced business performance, many simply don’t know where to begin their digital transformation. We’ll be delving into the challenges and solutions in this dedicated session.
Diversity and inclusion as a foundation for successful businesses

Diversity and inclusion as a basis for successful businesses: A diverse workforce gives businesses a competitive edge by enabling them to tap into a broad range of talent and vantage points. Today, there is strong evidence that shows how diversity brings value to the global business community. In this session, we’ll be looking further into why and how businesses can develop a culture of diversity and inclusion, and how companies can navigate a fragmented global landscape?
Session francophone : L’espace francophone numérique

Session developed with CPCCAF.
L’Intelligence Artificielle et le Métaverse feront progressivement partie intégrante de la vie économique quotidienne. Ils offriront de nombreuses opportunités de développement durable et d’innovation pour les PME. Jusqu’à présent, le développement de ces nouvelles plateformes et applications numériques et virtuelles est essentiellement réservé aux anglophones. Il est grand temps que la partie francophone du monde développe ses propres versions et contenus pour l’IA et le Métavers. Cette session fait un premier grand pas dans cette direction, en défiant les participants – en français ! – de s’assurer qu’ils fassent partie du monde virtuel francophone.
Networking lunch and exhibition programme

Time for food for thought to take a break and make connections. Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Check out these new tools and services for your MSME:
60 years of ATA Carnets: from its paper origins to its digital future

Operated since 1963, the ATA Carnet, also known as the passport for goods, has become a golden standard for temporary admission. How was this achieved and how to keep it prominent in the digital era? Keep up to speed with the development of this real-world trade tool, including its digitalisation. digital era? Keep up to speed with the development of this real-world trade tool, including its digitalisation.
Business leaders’ well-being for sustainable leadership

Many leaders know that supporting the mental well-being of employees can boost productivity and loyalty and promote a better workplace for all. But are leaders taking care of their own mental health in the face of their high-stress, high-accountability roles? How are leaders setting the example to break down mental health stigma and get real about the struggles they face?
Act on the data: measure your MSME for net zero

Set ambitious climate targets, manage your data and track your progress to Net Zero. Using data to comply with SDGs and tend towards net zero. Small businesses that take measures to understand and improve their impact on our planet can gain a competitive advantage, reduce costs and better manage business risks. But with limited time and resources to prioritise action towards a net-zero future, how can smaller businesses reap the rewards of measuring their impact throughout supply chains and what can chambers do to help them get started?
Diversifying revenue streams

Creating multiple streams of income in your company to respond to disruptions to your business. Shifting to new business models and creating new tools are essential when your company encounters disruptions.
A fresh look at chambers in the new entrepreneurship ecosystem

Creating opportunities through entrepreneurship can help fight poverty, reduce inequality and promote economic growth. How can chambers best position themselves in the entrepreneurship ecosystem to lead and support entrepreneurs, start-ups and smaller businesses? (what do chambers need to learn in order to better support for small businesses and start-ups).
Chambers: wake up, your CO issuing role is changing!

How can chambers improve and develop their trade documentation activities to support smaller businesses? Keep up to speed with the latest developments in real-world trade tools, including efforts to facilitate online applications for certificates of origin via a new digital certifying tool for chambers.
Keeping Business Moving: The role of dispute resolution services in preventing disruptions and supporting business operational continuity

This session will provide a brief overview of how DRS services, specifically mediation, expert determination, arbitration, and emergency arbitrator proceedings, can help prevent disruption to SMEs business operations.
Transnational chambers between Macro and Micro: different ways of adapting to the same needs

Transnational Chambers have a unique vantage point halfway between macro and micro. This session offers participants the opportunity to learn how different regions in the world anticipate and react to major developments in trade and the economy.
Networking break & exhibition programme

Time to take a break and replenish after our morning sessions. Why not check out our world class exhibition area or take time to re-connect with chamber peers?
Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Check out theis new tool and service for your MSME:
15:35 – 15:40: FIATA – FIATA, the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, is a non-governmental, membership-based organisation representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 109 Association Members and over 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide. FIATA is a reference source on international policies and regulations governing the freight forwarding and logistics industry. FIATA works at the international level to represent service providers who operate in trade logistics and supply chain management.
– Presented by Stéphane Graber
Cross-border data flows in a data-driven world

Big data, open data, metadata, data warehousing, data mining, general data protection regulation… the increasingly data-driven nature of the economy poses challenges for businesses and policymakers alike. How do businesses use cross-border data flows to innovate their businesses? How do chambers assist this cross-border data flow?
Innovation by and for all

What is the relationship between innovation and intellectual property (IP)? How often does IP infringement lead to bankruptcy for SMEs? How can IP help an entrepreneur succeed? and what is the role of chambers? These are some of the questions to be discussed in this session including speakers from industry, international organizations, and chambers of commerce.
World Chambers Competition: best unconventional project
The four finalists in this category have developed unique and pioneering projects in an activity not typically associated with their everyday mission and objectives, while increasing job creation to enhance local economies.
Best unconventional project finalists:
- Dubai Chambers (UAE) – Intelligent Certificate of Origin
- Business NSW (Australia) – Business NSW Critical Response Business Hub – Northern Rivers NSW, Australia
- Alexandria Chamber of Commerce (Egypt) – THE SOLAR CHAMBER: Harvesting the Sun for its members
- Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Austria) – “Commercial Approach to Anti-Corruption”
Closing of the day

Time to unwind from the day’s activities until we catch up tomorrow.
Set yourself up for the day ahead with some networking facilitated by our dedicated matchmaking app.
Welcome back: Day 3 reset

Check in for a reminder of what took place on Day 2, before focusing on the day ahead.
Unmasking environmental crimes: safeguarding your business, an INTERPOL insight Session

Discover the hidden dangers of environmental crimes and their impact on your business. With INTERPOL’s expertise, gain insights on how to protect your company from reputational, operational, and financial risks. Uncover the truth and secure a sustainable future for your business.
Understanding supply chain responsibility

Effective supply chain management can help businesses build a competitive advantage, avoid reputational damage and advance global sustainability goals. Decent work and economic growth, together with responsible consumption and production are key features for sustainable development. But when managing their relationships with suppliers, do businesses know how to eliminate unsustainable activities to strengthen positive development for an ethical supply chain?
The business guide to the energy transition

The energy transition promises to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development goals and a brighter future for all. But set against the backdrop of geopolitical tensions, economic insecurity and social injustice how can chambers and smaller businesses drive the energy transition and turn the challenges into opportunities?
Networking break & exhibition programme

Time to take a break and replenish after our morning sessions. Why not check out our world class exhibition area or take time to re-connect with chamber peers?
Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Check out these new tools and services for your MSME:
10:35 – 10:40: GIST Impact – Today, we are the go-to provider for high-quality impact data and intelligence, and are proud to call some of the world’s largest investors and companies our clients and partners.
– Presented by Anupama V S.
World Chambers Competition: best gender equality project
This session will put the spotlight on chambers that have implemented successful gender balance initiatives, showing positive outcomes for the sustainable development of chambers and/or their local communities.
Best gender equality project finalists:
- The Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Georgia) – A Joint Action for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Georgia
- Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano-Bozen (Italy) – More women in the board of directors (MoWe Board)
- Victorian Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (Australia) – Chamber Change
- Gaziantep Chamber Of Commerce (Turkey) – Strengthen The Capacity of Women Entrepreneurs and Women-Led Cooperatives
Getting and keeping the right people

Attracting and maintaining talent is key to company growth and competitiveness. Can we detect talent at an early age and develop it towards an increasingly demanding labor market and do smaller companies know what to offer young employees in return for their skills, creativity, energy? If you think a competitive salary is the only consideration for attracting and keeping talent, it’s time to check the facts. The Covid pandemic in addition to shifting workplace cultures and values is changing the recruitment and career development environment. So let’s shed some light on the measures companies can take to recruit and keep their best performers.
Networking lunch and exhibition programme

Time for food for thought to take a break and make connections. Check out our world-class exhibition area and brand new feature: the Business Circle.
Check out these tools and services for your MSME:
Women who lead, women who inspire

How do we start thinking about a future in which environmental, social and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of development and a better quality of life? A different type of leadership is required, based on three essential tenets: effective communication, authenticity and cross-cultural competency. More than ever, sound leadership is to focus on inspiring followers. For the first time, numerous international institutions are led by women. Let’s hear from four of these influential women how they work with these new leadership paradigms.
The View: interview with ICC World Chambers Federation Chair, Nicolás Uribe Rueda

Reflecting on commitments: creating practical and sustainable change

By reflecting on the commitments made in the Geneva Manifesto, we wish to inspire action and encourage ongoing collaboration towards a more prosperous and equitable future for all. Join us as we discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities towards reinforcing multilateralism, rules-based trade, and effective international cooperation.
Keynote: Putting Agenda 2030 in Practice – Olga Algayerova UNECE

Keynote: Michel Barnier

Join Michel Barnier, renowned diplomat and Former French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, as he discusses the pivotal role of multilateralism in achieving peace and prosperity. Gain unique insights into the challenges and opportunities of navigating complex international negotiations, including his experience as the chief negotiator Brexit process. Discover how to foster collaboration, dialogue, and consensus-building for a better and sustainable future. Don’t miss this engaging session with Barnier, a leading advocate for multilateralism, as he shares his vision for a world driven by cooperative global efforts.
Conclusions and commitments: the road ahead

Wishing participants farewell and thank you, Geneva Chamber will officially pass the baton to the next 14th World Chambers Congress co-organiser in the Asia-Pacific region.
Gala dinner and Competition Award Ceremony

Time to kick back and celebrate the work we have undertaken together during three Congress days. Chamber innovation will still be in focus though as we honour the inspiring finalists and winners of our World Chambers Competition.
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